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The Contractor Coaching Partnership Blog

Lunch and Learn for Remodelers & Contractors at Workshops

Posted by Mark Paskell on Wed, Jan 02, 2013 @ 08:05 PM

Free Lunch and Learn Sessions at Upcoming Contractor Success Program   

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The upcoming Remodeler and Contractor Business Success Program beginning in February at National Lumber will include a Free Lunch and Learn session before each of the six scheduled workshops.                                                         

                                             Register Today


Why you should attend the Lunch and Learn sessions before the workshops?

First you should attend because they include a free lunch! But that’s not the most important reason…

Although each workshop can stand on its own as a valuable seminar, they have also been designed to all work together and build on each other as a Business Success Program!  Here is the list of workshops in the strategic order they will be presented:

Contractor Business Success Program Topics

How you will benefit by attending the Lunch and Learn Segment...

At each workshop you will learn profit building strategies and methods to improve your business and separate your business from your competition.  You will also be given contractor tested tools including forms and worksheets designed to help you improve and streamline your business efforts. After each workshop you will be encouraged to apply and implement what you have learned into your business before the next workshop.   While doing so it’s likely you may encounter obstacles and generate important questions regarding how to best implement what you have learned and use the contractor tested tools.  

Let’s say this happens to you.  What would you do to keep things moving and improve your business? 

Think “Lunch and Learn!” 

Mark and Shawn are expert trainers and educators.  We know success with new ways of doing business requires trying those new ways in real time and getting the support you need when challenges come up.

All workshop attendees will be encouraged to bring their real time questions and challenges to the next workshop’s Lunch and Learn session where your peers and your workshop trainers will help you explore options, find solutions and gain clarity right away.  The goal is to give you an opportunity to maximize your investment of time and money while the information is fresh in your mind and your trainers are still available to help you.  

When paired with the workshops the Lunch and Learn Sessions will give you the best forum possible to help you solve current challenges in your business and get it ready for when the economy improves and the workload picks up

So What’s In It For The Sponsors?

Our sponsors are looking to help serious business owners grow their businesses so they can grow theirs as well.  Each Lunch and Learn Sponsor will get 10-15 minutes in front of attendees.   Rather than just tell you about the bells and whistles of their products, our sponsors will be sharing with you how other contractors they work with have improved their businesses, their sales efforts, customer satisfaction and profitability by using their products and or services as unique solutions for the right homeowners.  These unique solutions can help differentiate a contractor from their completion in ways far more valuable than price!

Workshop Time Segments:

  • Lunch and Learn from 12-1:00 PM
  • Scheduled Workshop from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.

For more information about the "Lunch and Learn" segment or the workshop contact Mark or Shawn.

Register Here For Contractor Business Success Program




Tags: remodeler workshops