Core Plus CEU Requirements for MA CSL License Holders
This Class Good For 12 Credits - get all the credits you need at this two day class!
Brought to You by The Contractor Coaching Partnership
2-Day Class Details
2 All Day Workshops: (Times may vary per date)
Cost $245.00/person for two days with 12 Credits total.
Class 1 (6 Hrs): Core CEU Requirements
This one day class produces 6 CEU's including all 5 required topic categories. Course details below.
Class #'s: CS-7516, CS-7514, CS-7515, Coordinator #CSL-CD-0075
Instructor: Mark Paskell
See Core Class Description Here
Class 2 (6 Hrs):
Using and Understanding Your Real Labor Costs, Job Site Health and Safety Considerations When Doing RRP Work, Overview Of Concrete For Residential Construction
This one day of classes produces 6 CEU's in the Business Practices/Workers’ Compensation, Lead Safety and Code Review categories.
Class #'s: CS-7818, CS-7819, CS-7820, Coordinator #CSL-CD-0075
Instructor: Mark Paskell
See Class Descriptions Below on This Page
MA CSL Renewal Specialty Classes
These Sessions will include the following MA CSL CEU Categories and Topics Approved by the BBRS
“Using and Understanding Your Real Labor Costs”
Number of CEU Credits: This 2 hour educational offering is recognized by the Massachusetts Board of Building Regulations and Standards as satisfying 2 hours of credit toward Massachusetts Construction Supervisor License continuing education requirements.
Course Approval #: CS-7818
Credit Category: This 2 hour course is approved for 2 credits in the Business Practices/Workers’ Compensation category.
Class description: The most difficult part of estimating is predicting the labor required to complete a project. But, what does it really cost your business to support and compensate your employees for each hour they work, before you even make a profit? The burdened cost of labor includes much more than just the hourly wage of the employee who will complete the work. Knowing what to charge for labor should be based on the actual costs of the company doing the work. Properly pricing your labor can also help make sure you can complete projects for your customers at the price quoted. Attend this seminar to find out how to do it. You can even get a free MS Excel spreadsheet template so you can get started right away!
Learning Objectives: During this program we will be discussing and demonstrating the following:
- What really makes up the burden cost of labor and why?
- Estimating by the hour, man or crew?
- Estimated hours VS the labor budget.
- How to include non-paid time (vacations, holidays, company meetings…)
- How to include benefits (health insurance, 401K, vehicle allowances…)
- How to use the free labor burden spreadsheet.
“Job Site Health and Safety Considerations When Doing RRP Work”
Number of CEU Credits: This 2 hour educational offering is recognized by the Massachusetts Board of Building Regulations and Standards as satisfying 2 hours of credit toward Massachusetts Construction Supervisor License continuing education requirements.
Course Approval #: CS-7819
Credit Category: This 2 hour course is approved for 1 credit in the Workplace Safety category and 1 credit in the Lead Safety category.
Class description: As of April 22nd, 2010 all remodeling and repair work done for compensation to housing, child care facilities and schools built prior to 1978 must be done in compliance with MA State RRP Regulations. Contractors doing this work must be sure to protect the health and safety of workers as well as occupants. Claiming or pretending to be ignorant of these rules and lead safe work practices can put the health and safety of many people at risk.
Learning Objectives: By completing this class you will:
- Learn about the work types that can or cannot be performed under the regulations on housing built before 1978
- Learn about the required work practices as well as other lead safe work practices that help protect the health of workers and occupants
- Learn ways to your production methods can protect your business, your customers and your employees
- Learn ways to discuss all of this with your customers and prospects in a positive way.
- How to use the free labor burden spreadsheet.
“Overview Of Concrete For Residential Construction”
Number of CEU Credits: This 2 hour educational offering is recognized by the Massachusetts Board of Building Regulations and Standards as satisfying 2 hours of credit toward Massachusetts Construction Supervisor License continuing education requirements.
Course Approval #: CS-7820
Credit Category: This 2 hour course is approved for 2 credits in the Code Review category.
Class description: Concrete is everywhere, we walk on it, drive on it, work and live on it. Often times it is the first material a contractor will use as the base or foundation of a structure. For proper construction, and to meet code requirements, residential contractors need to know how to properly prepare for, order, mix, handle and cure concrete. If any of these considerations fail your work may not meet code, may not be structurally sound and or may not stand the test of time.
Learning Objectives: By completing this class you will:
- Learn proper and safe site preparation.
- Learn and apply the science behind how concrete works when you build.
- Learn what you need to know to mix and finish your own quality concrete at the jobsite.
- Learn how to properly estimate, place, finish and cure concrete so your work meets code and desired performance requirements.
Registration required to attend -
choose from dates on the Course Calendar page.