This weekend, The Contractor Coaching Partnership will be conducting two seminars on the EPA RRP Lead Rule for homeowners at the Worcester, Massachusetts DCU Spring Home Show. I am scheduled to present these seminars at 12:30 PM on Saturday 12/13 and Sunday 12/14.
On 1/5/2010 I met with the Boston EPA Region officials and asked them are they going to advertise the EPA RRP Lead Rule to the homeowner. They indicated that adds were in the works and they thought they would start late January. To date they still are not positive when they will air.
I have decided to start seeking opportunities to spread the word to consumers. Whenever the adds start is up to the EPA. I think it's time the industry takes matters into their own hands. I see this as one opportunity to start educating the homeowner on the Lead Rule in my community. The lack of information to contractors and building officials is well documented. Have you asked any homeowners if they have heard of this new rule? I ask everyone and I have not met one person in three months since I started asking!
This seminar will explain the highlights of the rule, the dangers of lead and what is required to become certified. I will explain the things contractors must do in order to follow the law.
Then I will explain to the attendees what risks they take when they hire a non-certified contractor. I will lay out the scenario of hiring a non-compliant contractor and then experiencing a job stopped by an EPA visit. I will let them know what the industry is faced with trying to comply with a rule that is virtually unknown to many. Then we will explain the benefits of hiring the legal contractor and how they will benefit from cleaner and safer jobs.
The Worcester Telegram and Gazette also published an article I wrote called;
Homeowner Alert; Is your contractor EPA certified to work on your home? (click to read article)
I wasn't sure what they would print until today but they printed the whole thing just as it was written in the Home Show Guide.
I mention this with the thought that others may seek out opportunities like this in their own communities to start educating the public. If the residential construction industry can start producing press releases for print maybe we can educate the consumer on own own. Who knows when the EPA is going to start their promised campaign. Let's take ownership of the issue and get the word out.
Place a EPA RRP Web Page on Your Website
We can all start educating our customers and potential customers by placing an EPA RRP Lead Rule page on our site. This will begin the education before you get to their home and may make it easier to explain the details.