Here's how it goes...someone falls and gets killed, someone gets injured, or OSHA audits a job site and cites/fines the contractor. Then after the unsafe act, the contractor has incentive to get on board with OSHA safety, compliance and training. Next the concern for other workers getting hurt, threat of large fines for not protecting and training them, lawsuits and increase workmans compensation rates compels the contractor to adopt safety protocol.
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Fall death, injury or OSHA fine, then contractors do training
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sun, Jan 03, 2016 @ 04:30 AM
Tags: osha fines, fall death, fall protection, training
When will the contractor carnage from falls stop?
Posted by Mark Paskell on Mon, Aug 05, 2013 @ 07:45 PM
Another contractor falls and dies as a result of inadequate fall protection in Massachusetts. In my last blog post I wrote about a well known and liked man from Cape Cod. Everything I read about him says he was a great guy who loved umpiring Cape Cod League games. A newspaper article said his wife was the sweetheart of his life and he loved his grandchildren.
Tags: fall death