While most of us were enjoying the Fourth of July weekend, OSHA provided some fireworks of their own by announcing their new fine and penalty structure. Fines will increase a whopping 78% above the 1990 fine levels for those who do not follow the OSHA standards, train and protect their workers and fail to have safety programs.
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As America celebrates the 4th, OSHA increases fines
Posted by Mark Paskell on Tue, Jul 05, 2016 @ 05:09 PM
Tags: osha manuals, osha fines, safety programs, top 10 osha violations
OSHA 10 Most Cited 2014, Fall Protection Violations # 1 Again
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sat, Dec 06, 2014 @ 11:38 AM
OSHA recently published the top ten most cited violation list and fall protection violations lead the list once again. Also staying on the list are Scaffolding and Ladders. Failure to comply with these three standards, Subpart M, Subpart L, and Subpart X is rampant in the residential construction industry. Falls continue to be the number one cause of construction deaths and disabling injuries in the country. This continued trend is causing OSHA to focus much of their enforcement efforts on the residential construction industry.
Tags: top 10 osha violations