In today's competitive construction market it is harder and harder to win jobs without an effective sales process and sales training. Just a few years ago a decent contractor who showed up on time, talked well, looked good and had a decent bedside manner had no problem getting plenty of jobs. Most contractors with little or no formal sales training were very busy. The residential contractor now knows that being a simple order taker is no longer good enough in this market. It is critical to have an effective sales process and sales training to win jobs from the new consumer. The chances of succeeding without an effective sales process and training is small. In addition, the cost of leads has skyrocketed. Can you really afford to blow a lead?
The Contractor Coaching Partnership Blog
Use an effective contractor sales process to win more jobs.
Posted by Mark Paskell on Fri, Feb 20, 2009 @ 07:50 PM
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Tags: sales process, contractor coaching, residential contractors, sales training