2010 was the best year ever at The Contractor Coaching Partnership. I am truly blessed to have the support of so many clients, business associates and friends. There are no words to accurately express my gratitude. Thank you and may 2011 be your best year ever.
The Contractor Coaching Partnership Blog
2010 Best Year Ever at The Contractor Coaching Partnership
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sun, Jan 02, 2011 @ 06:52 PM
1000 Contractors EPA RRP trained; The Contractor Coaching Partnership
Posted by Mark Paskell on Tue, Apr 13, 2010 @ 10:31 PM
On Monday 4/12/2010, we ran our 21st EPA RRP Seminar and went over 1000 contractors trained since late January. Our RRP training dates are filling up as fast as we put them up.
Tags: epa rrp training, mass, The Contractor Coaching Partnership
Senators write letter for contractors to delay EPA RRP Lead Rule
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sun, Mar 28, 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Update for contractors on the EPA RRP Lead Rule effective date. Senators signed a letter to the OMB urging the delay of the effective date unless the goals of the law have been reached.
Tags: epa rrp training, mass, The Contractor Coaching Partnership
Pella Pro Expo, Boston EPA, The Contractor Coaching Partnerhship
Posted by Mark Paskell on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 @ 11:28 PM
Tags: epa rrp, NARI, mass, The Contractor Coaching Partnership
The EPA, DOS, MFOBO and The Contractor Coaching Partnership
Posted by Mark Paskell on Wed, Mar 17, 2010 @ 09:05 PM
In January when I met with Nancy Barmakian, Jim Bryson and Bob Carter of the Boston Region 1 EPA office I was asked if we could help them get in front of Building Inspectors in Mass. I was joined by Shawn McCadden and Greg Antonoili (EMNARI President).
EPA RRP hits the Boston Globe, contractors concerned
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sun, Mar 07, 2010 @ 04:44 PM
One of the biggest failures of the EPA RRP lead Rule is little or no media exposure. Well yesterday the Boston Globe published an article about the EPA RRP rule. Although several facts were wrong and the article left out many key points it is a good start.
Mass EPA RRP Open Hearing, DOS, EPA, Contractor Compliance
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sat, Mar 06, 2010 @ 11:59 PM
On Tuesday, 3/2/2010 The Contractor Coaching Partnership attended a meeting at the University of Massachusetts Shrewsbury location on the EPA RRP Lead Rule. Please excuse the long post but there is a lot to report.
Massachusetts Seeking to Administer and Enforce the EPA RRP Rule
Posted by Mark Paskell on Tue, Mar 02, 2010 @ 09:34 PM
Just found out that there will be a public hearing for the state of Massachusetts to take over the administration and enforcement of the EPA RRP lead Rule. I was informed by the Boston EPA office last night. I am glad the EPA gave me a heads up. The EPA will be present at this important meeting.
Tags: epa rrp, massachusetts, The Contractor Coaching Partnership
Contractor Appreciation for Carby's Lumber, Framingham, Mass.
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sat, Feb 27, 2010 @ 10:26 PM
Yesterday, The Contractor Coaching Partnership completed our 6th sold out EPA RRP training. This one was hosted and sponsored by Carby's Lumber of Framingham, Mass. The owner Rick Ricciardi, was present early in the morning to greet his contractor clients. It was a pleasure to see how well he was appreciated by the contractors who learned about this training from Carby's Lumber.
Mass EPA RRP Classes for Contractors and Trades Filling Fast
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sat, Feb 27, 2010 @ 09:40 PM
On Friday 2/26/2010 The Contractor Coaching Partnership facilitated the 6th straight sold out EPA RRP training. We have selected Kachina Lead Paint Solutions to provide training for our clients and associates. To date all of our trainings have sold out in less than 4 weeks.
Tags: massachusetts, EPA RRP Training for Contractors, The Contractor Coaching Partnership