2010 was the best year ever at The Contractor Coaching Partnership. I am truly blessed to have the support of so many clients, business associates and friends. There are no words to accurately express my gratitude. Thank you and may 2011 be your best year ever.
To those who helped make 2010 our best year ever
Over 3700 contractors who came to The Contractor Coaching Partnership for their EPA RRP Training.
Eastern Mass NARI Chapter Board and chapter members. Special kudos to Greg Antonoili, Anne Dube, Gary Morrison and Glen Travers.
The lumberyards and trade associations who partnered with me to bring RRP training to so many contractors.
Brockway Smith, in particular Steve Fisher who graciously helped us to train hundreds of contractors.
Shawn McCadden, who I see as my mentor and good friend. Together we are passionate about the future of the residential constuction industry. His belief in and support of our mission were invaluable all year.
Kachina Lead Paint Solutions; John Zilka, Steve Klein, Paul Toub and Renee Rosen provided the structure necessary to train over 3000 contractors in 5 months.
My RRP instructors; Pete Lawton, Mike Cavalahro, Scott Spyropolous, Fred Ellsworth and Steve St. Laurent. They were awesome and I am amazed at all the testimonials and referrals we received because we had the best RRP instructors anywhere.
Darcy Cook of Safety Trainers, Inc who has worked with me to create OSHA programs to help contractors comply with the OSHA Lead Standard. Also now we have partnered to bring the best RRP and OSHA training to residential contractors in Mass and New England.
My RRP Implementation workshop team; Michael Sams, Andrea Goldman, Tom Messier and Shawn McCadden.
My contractor coaching clients for allowing me to mentor them to help them grow their businesses.
The officials at the DOS and EPA for meeting with me in person and working with us to keep all affected by RRP informed.
My right hand Sue Porciello handling hundreds of calls from contractors about RRP all year long and dealing with me.
My family for always believing in me and encouraging me to go for my dreams.
And my gratitude to the Source of all great things, our Creator.
May 2011 Be Your Best Year Ever!
mark the coach