Last week, in our Corridor Nine Chamber of Commerce Referral Group meeting, two contractor coaching clients described their recent success using the power of positive thinking and goal setting. In their coaching sessions they are studying the concepts of "Think and Grow Rich" written by Napoleon Hill. The Contractor Coaching Partnership contractor course teaches clients how to use this powerful study guide to develop the right thinking habits and the power of setting goals.
The Contractor Coaching Partnership Blog
Remodeling contractors using positive thinking and goals
Posted by Mark Paskell on Tue, Apr 14, 2009 @ 07:38 AM
Tags: coaching, contractors, NARI, Corridor Nine, The Contractor Coaching Partnership
Associate with positive people and protect your attitude
Posted by Mark Paskell on Thu, Jan 08, 2009 @ 08:56 AM
We don't have to look hard to know that our world is experiencing some challenging times. All we have to do is turn on the TV news or weather and we are quickly bombarded with the realities around us. Things that blow up, crash, burn, crimes, job losses, scams, war all lead the news and dominate the broadcasts. We can protect ourselves from these programs easily by turning the channel or hitting the off button on the remote control.
Tags: sub-contractors, mark the coach, NARI, Corridor Nine, residential contractors
Does networking really work? You be the judge.
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sat, Nov 15, 2008 @ 01:55 PM
Recently someone said to me I was crazy to spend so much time networking. So it got me thinking was he right? Well some may think I'm crazy (and he may be right) so I reviewed my results from the past two years and here is what I found.
Tags: coaching, contractors, NARI, design/build, Corridor Nine, Networking, systems, Mark Paskell