In our 4 Legged Chair System for contractors and entrepreneurs, the first leg of the system is marketing.
The Contractor Coaching Partnership Blog
Contractors and entrepreneurs; marketing strategy and plan
Posted by Mark Paskell on Mon, May 11, 2009 @ 11:40 PM
Tags: Lead generation, contractors, marketing plan
Contractors speak out on LGC's questionable tactics
Posted by Mark Paskell on Fri, May 08, 2009 @ 10:30 PM
A recent thread on the Linkedin NARI group has generated over 130 responses from parties interested in the relationship between contractors and lead generation sites. The purpose of the thread was to provide a forum for contractors and LGC's about the numerous problems between the two groups. We were interested in obtaining dialogue from contractors and LGC's.
Tags: Lead generation, contractors, NARI, homeowners, marketing plan
The Four Legged Chair; Systems for contractors
Posted by Mark Paskell on Tue, Apr 21, 2009 @ 10:00 PM
What allows you to have a business that works and produces profits? The answer is systems with clearly defined processes and procedures. The systems needed to run a fine tuned contractor business are marketing, sales, production and administration. In our training, we use the Four Legged Chair analogy to represent these four systems. Each leg must be strong to prevent the chair from falling over or collapsing.
Tags: contractor sales training, Contractor Business Coach, contractor education and training, NARI, residential contractors, marketing plan, business plan
When business is slow it is prudent to find cost effective ways to lower costs. Some items can be pared down wisely with minimal adverse effects to the operation, and some should not be cut, instead increased. A common belief is that marketing should be cut. Cutting marketing is a huge mistake that precedes serious damage to the health of a business. We are hearing from many contractors and businesses that they are falling short in the sales and lead generation department. We ask if they are marketing their business and most say "no we are cutting marketing and not doing that right now. We need more business then we can increase marketing." Go figure!
Tags: contractors, marketing, The Contractor Coaching Partnership, marketing plan
Working on your business during the slow times
Posted by Mark Paskell on Mon, Jan 19, 2009 @ 01:20 AM
With the winter upon us, now is the perfect time to work on your business. With a down economy and the normal slowdown of remodeling work during the winter, now is the time to be reviewing and analyzing our entire business. We can be proactive and use this time to make changes to our business to be in a competitive position when the slowdown is over. The economy will turn around and those companies who are prepared for the inevitable increase in leads and business, will be ready to take advantage of a new and ever demanding customer. They will be anxious to catch up on long delayed projects. Many people are holding off on desired projects due to the uncertainty in the economy. This pent up demand will be released and the professional improved companies will be ready to take advantage of the opportunity. If you are not prepared you will miss out.
Tags: mark the coach, NARI, contractor coach, marketing plan, business plan, sales training