The EPA just released that Lowes has been fined $500,000.00 for violating the EPA RRP Lead Law. EPA inspectors discovered violations of the RRP record keeping requirements and work practice standards. The EPA press release states that Lowes hired contractors that were not EPA certified, not properly trained, did not use lead-safe work practices and incorrectly used lead test kits at Lowes renovation work site.
You're Fired
Lowes has been ordered to fire any contractor that is not operating in compliance with the RRP Law, to investigate reports of non-compliance and correct any violations. I wonder what will happen to jobs under contract right now. Will some contractors be removed in the middle of a project?
Enforcement; Recordkeeping and Documentation
The EPA states that they discovered the violations through a review of records for projects performed by contractors under contract with Lowes stores throughout the country. The press release states that the investigation was prompted by tips and complaints submitted by the public.