The 2014 Cost vs Value Report is out and can be a valuable tool to educate homeowners on what they should budget for various types of remodeling projects. As you know most consumers are reluctant to share their project budget with the contractor out of fear that the number they share may be the price they are charged. You the remodeler or home improvement contractor want to make sure that you don't waste time with a homeowner who doesn't have a realistic budget.
Showing them the average cost of projects in their area using a third party neutral resource such as the Cost vs Value Report can break the ice and get the budget out on the table.
The 2014 report shows that remodeling is very strong in many markets across the nation and the ROI for most projects is higher than the past few years.
Some notable trends include high ROI for Attic Conversions, Finished Basements, Baths and Kitchens. Exterior replacement projects roofing, siding, windows, front doors and decks are also showing very good ROI. Home improvements that take advantage of the existing space and are within the existing footprint are more advantageous than building additions.
How to use the Cost vs Value Report with your prospects and stop wasting time with homeowners who have unrealistic budgets.
The Contractor Coaching Partnership Blog
Using the Cost vs Value Report to educate homeowners on budget/cost
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sat, Jan 18, 2014 @ 09:52 PM
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