Last September while speaking with Shawn McCadden about the upcoming EPA RRP lead law, we were surprised there was a shortage of relevant content on line for contractors about the law. In January we met with the EPA in Boston and asked several questions that they were not able to answer without consulting with EPA headquarters. The EPA was very helpful where they could be but had to refrain from answering many of our questions until they could be reviewed by the Washington DC headquarters. This dilemma created a huge void for contractors looking for answers about the RRP rule.
This lack of information led to the genesis of Shawn's outstanding resource called RRPedia. For any contractor, property owner or business owner seeking up to date accurate information, RRPedia is a must read.
Many contractors and industry professionals have told me they go to Shawn's RRPedia first before they go to the EPA's website on the RRP Lead Law!
For straight forward explanations and valuable tips on how to comply with this law add Shawn McCadden's RRPedia to your favorites list or better yet, sign up for his blog and receive updates as they are posted. It will save you valuable time and clear up many things you hear from the contractor rumor mill.
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