Yesterday the OBAMA administration announced that they are going to look at easing cumbersome regulations to make it easier for small businesses.
Will the administration do anything about the EPA RRP Lead Law?
The EPA has admitted that they have no ability or resources to enforce this law. In Florida, the EPA met with state officials early this week and said they would like the State of Florida to take over the administration and enforcement of the law. The EPA said they only have a handful of employees to enforce the southeastern region of the United States. The EPA needs and wants states to take over the EPA RRP Law. In EPA Authorized states where this has occurred there is more enforcement activity taking place.
This lack of regulatory capacity should qualify for action to ease the regulation. Many contractors would like to see it repealed completely. At a minimum, it would be great to see it pulled back, re-worked with input from our industry and then redeployed. The intent of RRP makes sense however the cumbersome rule is wreaking havoc on the residential construction industry. The illegal contracting community is exploding stealing jobs from the market. The good guys are reporting they spent thousands to be compliant yet they see thousands of jobs being done with no RRP practices. Consumers have little knowledge of the program and balk at paying the added costs.
From the OBAMA administration yesterday;
"This order requires that federal agencies ensure that regulations protect our safety, health and environment while promoting economic growth," Obama wrote.
"And it orders a government-wide review of the rules already on the books to remove outdated regulations that stifle job creation and make our economy less competitive."
See Shawn McCadden's article for more.......
Is The RRP Rule “Outdated And Harmful To The Economy”?
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