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The Contractor Coaching Partnership Blog

Blood Testing Clinics For Mass RRP Certified Contractors

Posted by Mark Paskell on Mon, Apr 18, 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Medical Clinics; Blood Lead Testing and Pulmonary Exams

The State of Massachusetts DOS RRP Lead Law requires compliance with the OSHA Lead in Construction Standard. This includes blood testing and pulmonary testing. These standards have been written into the Mass RRP Lead Law.

To date over a hundred Mass RRP Certified contractors have completed our OSHA Lead In Construction, medical monitoring and respiratory standards training.

Contractors learned in the training that they must take additional steps to implement the standards.

1. Arrange for blood lead level and zpp blood tests.

2. Arrange for pulmonary exams to determine if employees can wear a respirator while working on RRP jobs.

These two items must be done first and the employer is required to pay for these items. Once completed then the employee must be fit tested on a separate day and given the appropriate respirator.

This process is giving contractors headaches. Many have asked us if we could assist them with the process by bringing the testing to a location near them.

We have partnered with Safety Trainers, Inc who has secured Mount Auburn Hospital staff to provide mobile medical clinics throughout Massachusetts. We are now taking reservations from contractors to schedule this mandatory testing.

Here is the link to schedule your training today!

Dates will be scheduled for late May in Andover, Taunton and Auburn areas.

mark the coach

"one voice for the residential construction industry"

OSHA Medical Clinics

Tags: osha medical clinics