RRP Lead Law compliance is still an issue with many contractors who remain uncertified and refuse to obtain RRP training. We have asked many why they refuse to get trained and the reasons for noncompliance are similar to what we were told last year. Here are the recent list of comments received over the past month from those who refuse to obtain the required training and some refuse to license or certify the firm;
- Lack of enforcement, show me who has been fined?
- If I get caught then I might do it
- Cost to comply, heard it will cost thousands, I can't afford any more costs right now
- I have to compete with illegal contractors everyday and cannot afford to lose work carrying these extra costs
- I heard homeowners don't know about it
- I heard homeowners won't pay for it.
- Others are not doing it so why should I
- Heard the law will be repealed
- The law is stupid
- I'll do it when I have a pre 1978 job
- I heard if I certify my firm then I will be a target for enforcement
- The building inspector said he has nothing to do it, it is not on the permit so it must not be necessary
- I do not want to deal with the OSHA respiratory and medical monitoring requirements. (This comment is very common from those who have received the RRP 8 hour training but do not want to get the RRP license due to the OSHA stuff)
- I am a trade that does not disturb paint (electrician, plumber, roofer, hvac, insulation) why do I have to be trained?
- It is just another way for the state to get money from us.
- I heard they are losing their funding for enforcement
- I heard the law is confusing and is changing all the time
Currently in Massachusetts there are approximately only 1800 contractors licensed (as Lead Safe Renovation Contractors) to work on pre 1978 residential properties. One contractor last week said a lawyer told him that it was illegal for him to bid on a project on pre 1978 target housing. In the law it says that one cannot offer or engage to work on a pre 1978 property unless they are licensed. Here is the section of the Mass RRP Lead Law that explains this;
(3) General Requirements for Licensure of Lead-safe Renovation Contractors. No person, firm, corporation or other entity shall perform, offer, or claim to perform Renovation Work in Target Housing or Child-occupied Facilities unless that person, firm corporation or other entity has been licensed as a Lead-safe Renovation Contractor in accordance with 454 CMR 22.04.
In essence, if a residential contractor, remodeler, sub trade or home improvement contractor offers to bid work or perform work on pre 1978 target housing in Massachusetts without a RRP License they are in violation of the law.
I asked the contractor what he was going to do and he said "I think I might take my chances until I get more work in the door."
More information and a link for a complete copy of the Mass Law can be found on our resource page
mark the coach
"one voice for the residential construction industry"