National Lumber continues to host important training to help residential contractors in New England. On 12/14/2011 National Lumber is hosting OSHA Fall Protection Training for Massachusetts contractors. This training is critical for contractors who work at heights of 6 feet or more above lower levels. Steve Linsky of National Lumber is opening up their state of the art training facility in Mansfield, Ma. for this training. The training will be presented by Safety Trainers Inc and The Contractor Coaching Partnership Inc.
Lack of Awareness and Misinformation Plague The Residential Construction Industry
Like the EPA RRP Lead Law, OSHA has not been successful reaching the bulk of the residential construction industry regarding their new Fall Protection Mandate. If you ask most small contractors like roofers, painters, siding and gutter contractors and remodelers they either outright do not know or are sketchy on what they must do to comply. Unfortunately for those not in the know OSHA Compliance Officers are instructed to stop at any residential work site that is not using fall protection and fine appropriately. This was confirmed by OSHA Compliance Officer Tim Irving at the last OSHA Awareness Seminar hosted by National Lumber. (stay tuned for a post on OSHA enforcement focuses in New England)
National Lumber is aware of the challenges facing contractors and continues to make sure that their contractor base is informed properly by offering timely training. This training qualifies for 3 CEU's for Mass CSL holders. (Register here for fall protection training)
National Lumber Contractor says.......
A remodeling contractor who attended our Free OSHA Awareness Seminar and wishes to remain anonymous recently said "there is too much ignorance and rumors on what is required and what is not required. If you listen to the contractor at the sales counter or job it seems like no one has the straight scoop on OSHA or even the RRP Law. He went on to say "I'm glad National Lumber is offering these trainings to help contractors learn the true facts and not risk falling for the rumors and getting a fine."
The bottom line facts about OSHA Fall Protection Training and what you are required to do
As of 9/16/2011 all residential contractors who work at heights 6 feet above lower levels must do the following;
Write a written fall protection plan for the company
When working 6 feet above lower levels OSHA requires that one or a combination of the following be provided by the company and used by the worker(s). Subs must provide their own equipment for their workers....
- Fall Arrest Systems
- Guard Rails
- Safety Nets
OSHA also requires that all workers who work 6 feet above lower levels that they are trained by a "Competent Person" on how to recognize fall hazards, what equipment they need to use, how to use it and they must be trained on the complete fall protection standard. This includes Subpart M, stairs and ladders and scaffolding.
Then the company must document this training and have the worker sign the attendance form.
General Contractors are responsible to make sure that the job site is safe for all workers including subs. Subs are required to work up to OSHA Standards. According to OSHA if a sub is in violation of the Fall Protection Standard and receives a fine the General Contractor can also be fined. One way for GC's to protect themselves is to require that the subs provide prrof that they are compliant. Then if a sub is fined the GC may be exempt under the right circumstances.
Then the company must prove that the training is effective. This means that the company must make sure that the workers trained are actually successful at showing they understood the training through their behavior on the job. OSHA says that the employer must make sure that the trained worker is using what was trained in class on the job. If the worker is not then the employer must retrain the worker.
Site Specific Plan
In the event the company can prove it is infeasible to use fall arrest systems, guard rails or safety nets then the contractor must write a site specific fall protection plan. A job hazard ananlysis must be completed and then a site specific plan. This plan must be kept on site and all workers involved must be trained on it. The training must be documented.
Fall Protection Training Team
Safety Trainers, Inc and The Contractor Coaching Partnership Inc have teamed up with National Lumber to help residential contractors learn and comply with the OSHA Fall Protection Mandate. Many contractors are bringing their workers and subs to ensure that their workers and subs are trained properly.
As of the date of this post some seats remain available. To reserve your seat click the link below.
OSHA Fall Protection Training National Lumber 12/14/2011
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