OSHA announced they have fined a Shelton, Connecticut contractor $127,560 for willful fall protection violations. The contractor was cited again while working on a job site located in Stratford, Connecticut.
Here is an excerpt from the citation published on the OSHA website;
Citation and Notification of Penalty
Company Name: Total Remodeling Services LLC
Inspection Site: 15 Denise Drive, Stratford, CT 06615
Citation and Notification of Penalty Company Name: Total Remodeling Services LLC Inspection Site: 15 Denise Drive, Stratford, CT 06615
2 Item 1
Type of Violation: Willful
29 CFR 1926.501(b)(13): The employer does not protect employee(s)
engaged in residential construction activities 6 feet or more above a lower level from falling to that level:
"WORKSITE: This violation was most recently observed on 4/29/2011 at a worksite at 15 Denise Drive, Stratford, CT where guardrail systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems were not provided on a 5 in 12 pitched roof, exposing employees to falls between 15 and 22 feet.
Total Remodeling LLC has been previously cited for this practice, as described below.
Total Remodeling Services LLC was previously cited for a Serious violation of this occupational safety and health standard (29 CFR 1926.501 (b) (13)), which was contained in OSHA inspection number 109174607, citation number 1, item number 1, affirmed as a final order on 12/15/2009, with respect to a workplace located at 855-857 Laurel Avenue, Bridgeport, Ct."
OSHA Citations made public show up in search results
When OSHA finds a contractors in violation they generate a citation notice. Check out the link below to review this OSHA citation published on their website. It discribes the history of several offenses by Total Remodeling LLC. Now when consumers, considering hiring Total Remodeling LLC, search to check out this company they will start seeing search results including the OSHA actions against their firm. Imagine how the citation might look to a consumer checking out the company? The excerpt above states the company does not protect their workers. Do you think a consumer would want this company working on their house?
Did you catch the fact that the roof was only a 5 pitch? Here is the link to the OSHA citations.
OSHA Fall Protection Training at Ring's End Lumber on 1/12/2012.
We will be doing an OSHA Fall Protection training for Connecticut contractors at Ring's End Lumber Learning Center on 1/12/2012. By coincidence our training will be held in Stratford, Connecticut.
Let contractors in Connecticut know that OSHA is frequenting construction jobs sites and specifically looking for fall protection violations.
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