I was notified by an State official this morning about a new proposed bill requiring notification of abutters within 500 feet when obtaining a building permit. This bill written by Kevin Murphy from Lowell, is being heard on Tuesday 2/14/2012 at the Mass State House. See below for details;
Bill H.3841 
An Act requiring notice to abutters of building permits
By Mr. Murphy of Lowell, a petition (subject to Joint Rule 12) of Kevin J. Murphy for legislation to require notice to abutters of building permits. Housing.
Sponsors: | |
Status: | Referred to Joint Committee on Housing |
Hearing Scheduled for 2/14/2012 at 10:00 AM in B-2 ![]() |
Chapter 40 of the General Laws, as appearing in the 2008 Official Edition, is hereby amended by inserting after section 54A, the following section:-
Section 54B. No building permit shall be issued for the construction of a building prior to the notification of any abutter within 500 feet of the property line of the property subject to any such application for permit; provided, that any such abutter shall be given 10 days notice before the issuance of such permit. No city or town may act upon such permit until the applicant has provided proof of such notice as required by such city or town.
Representative Matt Beaton (R) from Shrewsbury, Ma told me today he will offer a letter in opposition to this legislation and will testify on our industry's behalf on Tuesday.
Remodelers and Builders Needed...Come and show support for your industry by attending this hearing. In addition plan to testify what it would mean to your business if you had to notify all abutters within 500 feet when obtaining a permit. Imagine what this would be like in tight neighborhoods, high rises and condominiums.
It would be helpful if we had more contractors present to let legislators know this idea does not make sense and should be abandoned. If you are a contractor or home builder and have concerns that you would have to notify all abutters within 500 feet when pulling a permit you can help the cause by coming and showing support for your industry.
Please contact me if you can attend. mark@thecontractorcoachingpartnership.com
or by phone 978-422-6354.
Mark Paskell
Chairman/Program/Government Affairs EMNARI