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EPA enforcement hits landlords in Massachusetts on disclosure not RRP

Posted by Mark Paskell on Wed, Apr 11, 2012 @ 04:22 PM

Today's EPA Press release reports Massachusetts and Connecticut landlords were fined for failing to provide notification to tenants renting apartments in pre 1978 properties. The EPA says landlords are required to provide a lead disclosure pamphlet to prospective tenants prior to renting apartments in pre 1978 homes. See article here

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On a recent conference call with the EPA regarding enforcement I asked when are they going to start focusing on landlords and Realtors and banks (who own REO's) and not just contractors for RRP violations. Most of the people who have obtained their RRP training are contractors not landlords. Small multi family property owners and Realtors are generally ignoring the EPA RRP Lead Rule which requires landlord compliance. 

Multifamily homes tend to have large apartments that are rented to families with children. These properties tend to be in urban areas where lower income families reside. In addition these properties have lower values and cost more to repair than single family homes lead in owners to hire the non compliant low ball contractor. In our opinion these factors pose a bigger risk to children under 6 than renovations on pre-1978 single family homes.

RRP trained compliant contractors would like to see the EPA focus some of their enforcement efforts on RRP violations by landlords  Realtors and Banks who own foreclosures are also a problem because they too hire the lowest cost non RRP compliant contractor to improve properties prior to sale. These conditions puts children in multi-family homes at risk.

We are getting more calls about RRP compliance from landlords this year than last however they are generally apathetic and unconcerned about RRP enforcement. Landlords and property managers use our RRP consultation and coaching services  to focus on hiring compliant contractors, firm certification, RRP training and safe work practices. We have conducted a few RRP trainings for landlord associations and anticipate more as the EPA turns their attention to landlords. For now however, it looks like the EPA enforcement of choice for landlords will be lead disclosure violations not RRP violations.


Tags: EPA Enforcement, landlord