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The Contractor Coaching Partnership Blog

Workers Comp Seminar for contractors, remodelers, builders, trades

Posted by Mark Paskell on Mon, Apr 23, 2012 @ 12:41 PM

Earlier this year Massachusetts' insurance industry announced that they looking for a 19.3% increase for workers compensation rates. Many contractors report they are having issues with their workers compensation costs after going through audits. One contractor in our Fall Protection Training said recently he was hit for $12,000 for his comp liability. He said his insurance agents calculations were a little off. Turns out the agent doesn't really specialize in insurance for residential contractors. But the agent did insure the contractors wife's car which lead to the contractor buying insurance from this firm. ($12,000.00 OUCH!!) 

Our business associate Tom Messier, VP of Mason and Mason Insurance is different. He specializes in writing insurance for remodelers, builders, trades and contractors. He recently helped one of my clients reduce costs by $5,000.00! It pays to know someone who is an expert.

Tom Messier  Thomas Messier is our speaker on 5/18/2012 om Workers Compensation for Residential Remodelers, Builders, Trades and Home Improvement Contractors. This course qualifies for 2 CEU Credits for Mass CSL's. Use the following link to register, seating is limited! Our sponsor and location is National Lumber in Mansfield Ma.                                                                                                             National Lumber

Workers Compensation Seminar For The Residential Contractor

Highlights of the Workers Comp Seminar


Controlling your Workers Comp and other insurance costs begins with a thorough understanding of the system. During this informative session, you will learn:


  • Workers Comp Rating and Inspection Bureau (WCRIB)

  • Definition of covered workers

  • Special considerations for Corporate Officers, sole proprietors and members of an LLC

  • How subcontractors and their workers are treated for coverage and how they affect your pricing

  • What types of plans are available for you as a contractor and ways to pay for it

  • Strategies to reduce Workers Comp expenses

  • The Experience modification factor

  • Controlling your losses

  • Culture of safe work practices on your jobsites

  • Rates, classification and premium

  • Properly classifying employees

  • Understanding the different classifications within "Carpentry"

  • MA Construction Classification premium adjustment program

Register today and learn how you can reduce your workers compensation costs and become more profitable!

Tags: workers compensation