A roofing contractor was recently observed working in Spencer, Mass without OSHA compliant fall protection. The pictures were sent to me by a remodeler from the area who recently took our OSHA Fall Protection training course. The pictures were taken and posted on a blog by a homeowner who lived across the street. The link is below to see all 30 pictures posted by the homeowner.
How many violations do you see here? There are more than 6. What are they?
Link to pictures on homeowner blog: You have to see these pictures!
The guy working on the edge has a rope tied to the cushion he is sitting on. No harness, nor guard rails, one slip away from serious injury or death.
Next picture below shows an immigrant worker standing on the steep roof with no fall arrest system, no guard rails. His buddies are in the background wondering when can they start work. At least they have a good view of the American flag.
Do you think he is thinking about saluting the flag?
What are the violations here?