Before you know it Spring 2013 will be here. OSHA will continue to focus their enforcement activities on the residential construction industry. Residential construction is a targeted industry for educational outreach and enforcement.
Most residential contractors are aware of this activity but few are in compliance with basic OSHA safety requirements. A good way for Contractors to become familiar with the OSHA Standards is to take the OSHA 10 Outreach Training Program. Next training at National Lumber in Mansfield, Ma. on 1/31/2013 and 2/1/2013.
The OSHA 10 Outreach Training Program is intended as an orientation to Occupational Safety and Health. Topics include Introduction to OSHA, OSHA's Focus Four, Hazard Communication, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Electrical Safety, Tools and more. Please note that business owners must provide additional training for workers on specific hazards at work sites.
Fall Protection Training For the Residential Construction Industry at National Lumber on 1/25/2013.
OSHA Region 1 (New England) Enforcement Activity for 2012 and 2011. Most contractors are well aware of the increase in OSHA job site visits in Massachusetts and New England. If you are curious to see what OSHA has done on enforcement in the past two years you can go to the OSHA Data and statistics search page and view who they have visited and what the company was cited for. The OSHA page even has a map with pins that show the town and name of contractor. See the results for Massachusetts Federal OSHA in 2012 and 2011. The most cited standards are fall protection related, Subpart M (fall protection), X (stairs and ladders) and L (scaffolding).