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Contractors, How are you doing on your New Year's Resolutions?

Posted by Mark Paskell on Sun, Jan 27, 2013 @ 10:47 AM

Contractors, Remodelers, Specialty Trades and Builders: are you keeping your New Year's Resolutions for your business?   Contractor Business Success Program

Every year we hear comments from the people we know that this "is going to be the year I make and keep my New Year's Resolutions". The excitement from the holidays and approaching New Year causes a euphoria and determination that this is going to be the year our resolutions stick. Well how are you doing 4 weeks into the New Year? Are the resolutions you made still in effect? Or has the excitement warn off and you are now back to your old self? 

9 New Year's Resolutions for business from contractors and remodelers

  • This year I am going to write a business and financial plan and stick to it.
  • This year I am going to spend more time working on my business and less in it.
  • This year I am going to market my business effectively and build a website and social media plan that generates the right leads.
  • This year I am going to develop and implement systems and stop using the WAG (wild @$$ guess) method.
  • This year I am going to learn how to sell my services better.
  • This year I am going to raise the price for my services and pay myself a fair wage that I deserve.
  • This year I am going to learn how to be a more effective businessman.
  • This year I am going to spend more time on me and with my family
  • This year unlike the last many I am going to stick to my New Year's Resolutions for more than a few weeks.

If you are still keeping your New Year's Resolutions from 4 weeks ago, great job.

KEPT RESOLUTION INSURANCE PLAN: Join a business training program for contractors to ensure that you keep up a consistent effort. Next step, hit the button.

Contractor Business Success Program


If you have given up on your resolutions and are now back to your old self is it time to consider another approach?

One on one coaching helps those who know they will not do what they know they need to do. Coaching helps those who start but don't follow through on what they started. Sound familiar? Hit the button to get started.

Contractor Business  Coaching and Training


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Action Step Towards Sanity: stop expecting to get a different result after doing the "same thing" over and over again and change the "same thing".

Tags: contractor business programs, coaching