Contractor Training Schedule Update for Mass and Connecticut week of 3/24/13
EPA/Mass RRP Lead Certification; National Lumber 3/29/2013 Click To Register. Massachusetts leads nation on RRP Enforcement! With Only 3300 companies certified out of tens of thousands Mass RRP officials will be out in force this spring and summer.
OSHA Fall Protection: National Lumber 3/28/2013 Mansfield, Ma. Click to Register OSHA temporary enforcement grace period on fall protection compliance ends on 3/15/2013. Contractors must follow new directive, fall protection when working 6 feet above lower levels. There are online news reports everyday of contractors fined for violating Fall Protection Standards.
and Fall Protection Training @ Ring's End Lumber Stratford CT 3/27/2013 Click to Register
OSHA 10 Certification: 3/26/2013 National Lumber Mansfield, Ma. Click to Register For residential contractors to learn the basic OSHA Standards and requirements.
News on Enforcement Strategies in Region 1 States Rhode Island, Connecticut and Massachusetts; OSHA, DLS, EPA leverage site enforcement with interagency referrals
Last week at the JLC Live Show in Providence our RRP Lead class was audited by a State of Rhode Island RRP Official. The auditor told us that enforcement of RRP and OSHA regulations will be rigorous as soon as the winter season breaks. He also indicated that when Rhode Island RRP enforcement officials visit residential jobs for RRP they will also report in sight safety violations to OSHA. The auditor told us that interagency referrals will be a common means of enforcement in most states.
In Massachusetts we are already seeing referrals from one agency to another due to agreements that agencies will rely on referrals from one agency to another. Mass Department of Labor Standards has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation. The MOU states that RRP enforcement officers will report contractors who are not registered with OCABR as Home Improvement Contractors. Conversely OCABR will report to DLS any contractor working on pre 1978 homes who is not licensed as a Lead Safe Renovation Contractor (Certified Firm). There are other standing MOU's between Massachusetts, OSHA and The EPA.
RRP Enforcement in Mass Leads The Nation
As of this date there are 58 Mass Contractors fined for RRP violations on the Mass DLS website. Many contractors who thought RRP enforcement in Mass would not happen are starting to take it seriously. Register for RRP Training
Fall Protection Enforcment is OSHA's number one enforcement and outreach focus, especially in New England. A Local Emphasis Program (LEP) for fall protection enforcement is in full effect in New England until 9/30/2015. Register for Fall Protection in Connecticut