Do residential contractors need OSHA 10 Training, Safety Manuals, Written Safety Programs and Fall Protection Training Programs?
This a question on the minds of many residential contractors who are discovering that OSHA is now paying attention to safety in the residential construction industry. Residential Construction is now an industry targeted for OSHA enforcement due to the large amounts of injuries and deaths reported in the past few years.
Almost everyday we receive a Google Alert about some contractor who has just be cited and fined for violations for not having fall protection, ladder not 3 feet above the edge, failure to have a fall protection training program, scaffolding violations and more.
Requests for OSHA guidance and training is picking up as we learn about more contractors caught working unsafe. Many of the calls are for help with fall protection, written plans and safety manuals.
One recent client asked for help with a safety plan and manual because he was concerned that he was not prepared if OSHA came by his work site. He wants to make sure he properly trains and protects his employees in accordance with the OSHA Standards. He said "I don't have enough experience with OSHA and I don't have the time to do it right."
Following we will share some thoughts on what contractors can do to learn about OSHA Standards and Programs that can help contractors work safe and reduce the risk of citations and fines.
- OSHA 10 Training
- Develop a Safety Program including tool box talks, mock OSHA audits of your job sites
- Have someone write your Safety Manual
- Fall Protection Training on Subpart M, X and L.
- Respiratory and Medical Monitoring written plans
- Help getting employees and sub contractors to adopt safe work practices
For assistance contact Mark.