The holidays are fast approaching and before you know it we'll be talking about our New Year resolutions and hoping for a better year in 2009. The time to start acting and planning for next year is now.
Have you accomplished the goals you set for yourself in early 2008? If you did great, if you didn't what is going to be different in 2009? Many people fail to take the time to write down their goals and make a plan for their year. This is one of the biggest differences between those who succeed and those who fail. If you think you can succeed without having clear goals and a plan then you will continue to experience the same results again.
I challenge you to decide to take the first step and decide to act now. Start by deciding on what your goals for next year will be and write them down. Then spend a day writing a simple plan of how you are going to get the results you want, and most importantly deserve. Doing nothing will give you the same results you have been living.
Many who know me, are familiar with my recommendation to read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Go out and buy it now and read and apply the tools. The plain and simple truth is, it works and gets results that will change your life, if you have the courage to do it. Experts claim this book has transfomed the lives of thousands and is responsible for creating numerous millionaires.
Other excellent works to use to align yourself to think right are Earl Nightingale's "The World' Strangest Secret" and the CD The Secret. If none of these interest you the book store has many excellent works to consider. The bottom line is your thinking and attitude will determine your success and happiness or lack thereof. No one is going to do it for you. Will you do it for yourself or will 2009 look just like 2008?
The choice is yours, don't let yourself down! Have a great successful and prosperous 2009.
I am currently mentoring several contractors and we are beginning our planning for 2009 now. If you are a contractor or someone who would like to explore the benefits of having a coach guide you and hold you accountable, you are only one phone call away from your coach!
Are you currently working on your goals and business plan for next year?