With work in the Boston metropolitan area heating up remodelers are tasked handling busier workloads without enough qualified lead carpenters on staff. Some are bringing in sub-contractors to handle jobs normally done by company employees with trepidation. Some are telling customers they will have to wait until spring running the risk of losing the work and likely the customer to a competitor.
One contractor client recently told me he thinks most if not all the true lead carpenters are working for someone. He told me that the only way to get this person is to entice him to leave his current employer. Another option he shared is to find someone who is a great contractor who doesn't want to continue to deal with the constant pressures of running the business.
In my current role as President of EMNARI I am perplexed at the small number of participants in the NARI Certified Lead Carpenter Program. Just 10 years ago we had 12 CLC's on staff and many EMNARI members put their men through the program.
Times have changed. Less people are going into the trades, many left during the recession and are not coming back and the existing pool of labor to draw from is employed by someone else.
I am thinking if you want to attract trained lead carpenters you need to offer a better (than other remodelers) compensation package and have a real Lead Carpenter Production Program in place such as what we teach in our Cradle to Grave System. If not, current qualified lead carpenters will not move to something laterally or work with lesser models.
Lead Carpenter Job Openings in the Boston Metropolitan Area.
Currently we have established and reputable remodeler clients seeking to hire qualified lead carpenters to work in the Boston metropolitan area. Our clients have asked that the candidates provide proof that they have worked in a company with a Lead Carpenter Production System successfully or similar experience. These clients are well established with 20 plus years history and sales ranging from $1 million to $4 million.
Current Remodelers or Contractors will be considered
They will consider speaking with current high quality contractors and remodelers who want to focus on building and managing remodeling projects without the hassle of running the business.
The compensation is excellent, including holidays, vacation, bonus for excellent performance completing projects on time on budget resulting in a happy customer and room for growth.
If you or someone you know has interest please contact me. All inquiries will remain confidential.
email: mark@thecontractorcoachingpartnership.com
phone; 508-847-0162