Now that the recession is a year old, most business owners realize that former methods of doing business are producing poor results in this economy. The old ways of marketing, selling and running a business are giving way to new processes that require learning new business concepts. The new business training for today's contractors can help bridge the gap from old to new provided it includes implementation of the training into the business. In Webster's the definition of implementation is: "provide the power and authority necessary to accomplish or put into effect". Education and training without implementation is a complete waste of time and money. Failure to implement will lead to the same poor results. We all remember the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result".
Implementation through coaching
Coaching for contractors, from a coach who is experienced in the industry, that is delivered with the "hands on approach" insures that the investment in education is not squandered. This type of coaching usually includes on site assessments of all personnel and existing systems. Then the new processes are strategically put in place by modifying old processes and replacing those that no longer work. The new concepts need to be installed gradually so that they take root and don't overwhelm the company personnel. The desired outcome should yield processes that are owned and accepted by the entire team. To insure success the owner should instill accountability measures for him or herself as well as all employees. Frequent reinforcement of the training needs to accompany the implementation.
In the contracting industry, this is presenting unique challenges for the residential contractor. Many residential contractors come from the school of hard knocks with minimal business education. The younger contractors age 30-45 have a unique advantage over the 46-60 crowd with more relevant education in business and technology. Where as the many older contractors have a unique advantage in craftsmanship and street smarts.
The challenge the industry is facing is providing education to two diverse groups. The older group tends to show more stubbornness and reluctance to trust new ideas where the younger contractor is more open to the change that new business concepts presents.
In either case, the need for implemented education and training for both groups of residential contractors is essential to operate a successful contracting business and earn business from today's Next Level Consumer.
Recently we have talked to contractors who invested in education and training and they have not implemented that training into their business. They swear that they thought the education was all that was needed and that the implementation would miraculously occur. Unfortunately, osmosis, baptism by fire or assuming your employees will do it doesn't work.
Before you invest in education and training make sure that you also account and plan for the implementation into your business. Will you, the owner do it, or should you plan to bring in a contractor coach to protect your investment and hold you accountable for the results you desire?
helping today's contractor excel in a new economy