Over the past week many in the northeast have been walloped by the Ice Storm of 2008 leaving many without power and the basic necessities. On top of the recent economic downturn, foreclosures, declining real estate construction activity and financial troubles it is not suprising that people's attitudes are affected. We are easily reminded of all the recent and current challenges on the news, in the paper, the radio, the internet, work and the coffee shop. It is very easy to get caught up in the misery and before you know it you are not feeling very positive and your attitude towards things turns negative.
The Contractor Coaching Partnership Blog
Protect your attitude, work on you instead of watching the weather and news
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sun, Dec 21, 2008 @ 03:56 PM
Tags: coaching, contractors, Contractor Business Coach, homeowners, construction
Today's residential homeowner construction market has tightened and leads for contracting services are scarce. Leads are more precious than ever. Many remodeling companies were founded by carpenters and tradesman with little or no formal training in sales. You are very good at building things, you are an expert at crafting and your miter joints are perfect. You started out working for someone else only to find you were treated poorly, paid less than what you are worth with no benefits and blamed for the mistakes of the owner. You said the heck with this crap and you started your own remodeling business. After all you can do better and you won't treat your people that way.
Tags: contractors, Contractor Business Coach, Residential Construction, sales training
The Next Level Contractor; coaching to be "the contractor of choice"
Posted by Mark Paskell on Sun, Dec 07, 2008 @ 03:06 PM
The economy has presented many financial challenges for both the residential contractor and the homeowner. The economic crisis has deepened and it is increasingly more difficult for homeowners to afford to improve their homes like years past. Many homeowners who can afford to remodel are standing on the sidelines waiting for the market to stabilize. Those who are remodeling and investing in their homes are moving forward very cautiously. Todays consumer is interested in sensible remodeling that has a strong ROI and a contractor that they can trust with their most valuable investment.
Tags: sales training for contractors, construction coaching, Contractor Business Coach